Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

September 10, 2014

Last July two Finnish missionaries were killed in Afghanistan. These ladies had worked there for fifteen years in a health project.

"Gunmen in Afghanistan have shot dead two Finnish women working for a Christian aid charity in the western city of Herat, officials say. A local governor said the women were travelling by taxi when gunmen on a motorcycle fired on their vehicle. There was no immediate claim for the attack on the International Assistance Mission (IAM) workers." (from BBC News Asia 24 July 2014)

One of these ladies; Kaija Martin, spent last year in Finland. During this time she set up a Project Hannah prayer group in Turenki, small town in southern part of Finland. So, she was involved with Project Hannah, as well.

Please pray for the families of these missionaries as they grieve the loss of their loved ones and as they celebrate their life on earth and new life with Christ.

Eeva, Finland

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