Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

May 22, 2014

I am a woman aged 42. I am married and have remained in my marriage for 10 years now.

For that long period I have not been able to have a child. That situation has tortured me severely. My sister in-law and other relatives have been using that as a basis to intimidate me and even my husband has joined his relatives who are abusing me, and he went further and abandoned me saying that he cannot live with a barren woman. In fact that has been the area of my suffering for quite sometimes now; I have been living a sorrowful life for that long period.

One day as I was listening to the radio I heard the message which was being aired of Project Hannah, that message touched my heart and gave me hope that God still loves me, and has a purpose for me in this world.

My request to you my sisters is please continue to pray for me so that God can intervene to my situation because I still believe he is able and nothing can defeat him. Thanks.“

, Tanzania

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