Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

May 13, 2014

Please pray for:
1. Elizabeth and Merete from Norway, Anne and Eva from Finland, Yvonne from Ireland, Brenda, Avril and Ruth from South Africa who will be traveling to visit Project Hannah ministry in six regions of Tanzania and Zanzibar from April 30th – May 14. Praise the Lord that Zanzibar has started airing the "Women of Hope" Swahili from a radio station of another religion.

2. Joyce, the Tanzanian coordinator doing many of the travel arrangements and hosting the Mission Team.

3. Pray that God uses this trip as a solid brick in the growing wall of Project Hannah in Africa and worldwide.

4. Pray that this trip will raise more awareness of the plight of women in the country of Tanzania.

5. Pray that God uses this trip as a solid brick in the growing wall of Project Hannah in Africa and worldwide.

6. That God will help the mission team to gather as much information as possible through photos, stories, interview – pray that there will be no power cut so that our cameras could charge.

7. Pray for God to protect the team- and their luggage and papers (travel documents)- on the road, in the air and airports and from illnesses that would prevent us from fulfilling His plan.

8. Pray for God to clearly guide and give the team a word of wisdom as we interact with the women of Tanzania.

9. Pray for God to unite the team as sisters and anoint them to with fresh anointing to be able see & understand and fulfil His plan and divine agenda for this trip.

10. Pray for the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of the women we meet.

11. Pray for the Holy Spirit to use this trip as a fierce prove of His love and work not only for the lives of the Tanzanian women but also for the personal lives of the team.

12. Pray for Zanzibar that our visit will strengthen the intercessors who are sometimes persecuted.

13. That this trip will increase publicity for PH Africa in Norway, Finland, Ireland, South Africa and all over the world, that people will get to know about Project Hannah and their lives be changed.

14. Pray that the photos and stories that the team is going to collect will be clear and that they will be used for God’s Kingdom in all the places where the sharing will take place.

15. Pray for X she is experiencing some severe pain on her back and knees (rheumatic problem). With this tight programme and travel, please pray that the Lord will meet her during this trip and heal her. For our God is greater that the problems that we have.

16. Pray for X’s husband who will arrive two days before X travels to Tanzania. Pray also for her two daughters who are going to spend 15 -16 days alone when mom is gone.

17. Praise God for “Y” and “Q” who are sisters and have got this opportunity of going to Tanzania to minister to the Tanzanian women, what a special gift to Tanzania!

18. “Y” writes: “Please pray for my family (now tears run into my eyes) as their pride is hard as rock towards Jesus. My heart is filled with Jesus' sorrow here. Especially please pray for the key person, my husband. We have three extraordinary gifted children who care little of Him who has crowned them with the gits and easy life”. Please pray for salvation to come to the family members of this family (Acts 16:31). Let us remind God of this promise for our sister’s family members.

19. “Y” continues to say; “Please pray also for God to open a new job for me and my sister “Q”. For some years now I have felt a pressing ambition to move away from where I work for now. I feel peaceful having a job preferably within Project Hannah”. Please pray for “Y”

20. “Y” has also been experiencing a back pain and her left thigh in such a way that she cannot sit in a car. Please pray for God to hold her pain in her back and esp. left thigh as she travels.

Ruth , Tanzania

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