Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

March 07, 2014

A young girl phoned us recently and told us to pray for her and her mother, because her father is persecuting them for having become Christians. He tried everything to STOP them from following Christ. Going as far as threatening and even beating them up so bad that they ended up in hospital many times! He would lock them up in a room days on end, without food and water. Stop believing or accept the consequences, they were told. We prayed a lot for them
and we were so glad to hear that this man stopped persecuting them. He allowed them to eat and drink normally. Even though he’s still not happy with their faith in the Lord, at least the situation has improved
considerably. They can even go to church now and we believe that all of this is only possible because of Gods intervention! Lets pray for them and the father; that he may experience the same peace that they found in the Lord Jesus!

Berber Kabyle team , North Africa

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