Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

  • August 28, 2014

    • Please pray for African countries that have a strong Project Hannah prayer movement but do not have the funds to run the ministry of Project Hannah - Ghana, South Africa, Burundi, Namibia,… read more

  • August 20, 2014

    Please pray for Flora Rittenhouse as she prepares stories, photos, and information for Project Hannah’s new e-newsletter, which will be launched Sept. 3. … read more

  • August 14, 2014

    South Africa: Pray earnestly this week for Advocate Reg Willis. Today he went to court to fight against the approval of a 'porn TV channel'. Much has been done in this country so far for the rights of… read more

  • August 07, 2014

    Pray for Esperanca (Project Hannah Coordinator in Mozambique) – her diabetic brother passed away earlier this month. He leaves behind his wife and five children. His mother is also diabetic and… read more

  • July 24, 2014

    Please be in prayer for Ruth as she sees a doctor about her reoccurring back pain. She is having difficulty sitting or standing for long periods of time. read more

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