Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

  • March 06, 2016

    Hello, I lost someone close to me and cant seem to get out of it. Please pray for us. Her name is Amanda. Especially pray for Fatima. Thank You God Bless, peace be with you. read more

  • March 05, 2016

    please pray for me and my husband we been married for almost 2years now and for the past 5 months we been trying to have a child with no success. i pray that the lord will give us patience for our… read more

  • March 04, 2016

    Please pray for Project Hannah's Tanzania National Coordinator, Joyce. She is on the island of Zanzibar for the World Women's Day of Prayer event and will present Project Hannah's ministry. She will… read more

  • March 02, 2016

    Please pray for Marli Spieker, Project Hannah founder and global ministry adviser while she is in Europe for six weeks. The first week, Marli and Eeva Vähäsarja, Project Hannah Europe regional… read more

  • March 01, 2016

    Please pray for meetings with Miriam Neff, founder of Widows Connection. Pray for God's direction in how Project Hannah can provide a media component to Miriam's material for widows around the world. read more

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