Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

December 16, 2013

Encouraging report for December prayer calendar (Women in Prisons)
My mother-in-law is heavily involved in women ministries in her hometown in western Romania (ARAD). Of the several women’s groups that she ministers to, one of them is a group of women from the local prison. As soon as I was involved in PH and translated the calendar for December I have asked my mom-in-law if she would like to receive the calendar and pray with the groups she leads, as well as the prisoners. She was more than happy to do that, so TWR Romania team sent her 30 copies of the calendar. Last week she called to say how thrilled she was that the Lord had already answered these prayers! She explained that the Romanian Parliament is discussing an amnesty bill for the prisoners who have committed crimes which did not involve violence and have been sentenced to seven years of prison or less. While this law is targeted to political people who are imprisoned for their corrupted leadership, and wish to bypass the law, the women- prisoners my mother-in-law is working with were very happy that there was a chance for them to be with their children and families for Christmas. We do not know what the final outcome will be. The imprisoned and free ladies who prayed are encouraged that the Lord is at work and is delighted to answer the prayers of His children. We are also encouraged to see how fast this answer from The Lord came.

Camelia , Romania

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