Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

July 09, 2013

I thank God for Project Hannah which has had a great impact in my prayer life. God is using me through an intercession ministry in my village.
An expectant mother in my neighbourhood was in labour pain for three days. The husband, a pagan, had called a witchdoctor to help her give birth but all was in vain. Then on the third night, around eleven o’clock, somebody knocked at my door with a message from the husband saying; ‘Please come and pray for my wife she is having difficulties in giving birth.’ I hurried to the scene. I found the mother so weak that I thought she would die any minute. I said to the people, who were with her, we are going to pray to Jesus who can help this lady deliver well. Then after prayer we are going to look for means of taking her to the nearest health center. I prayed a short prayer and God manifested his power because the lady delivered in less than ten minutes after we had said amen. Today the mother and her children attend church services. I have had incidents where I prayed for sick children brought to me by their mothers and God happened to heal them miraculously. I thank God because he is using the power of prayer to draw women and children to himself and especially in my community where the majority are non-Christians.

Testimony, Kenya

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