Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

March 09, 2015

Praise the Lord! Every Sunday Norway’s national public radio broadcast a church service at 11 am to the whole country. It is the oldest program on radio in Norway, and is still highly popular. They do the broadcast from different churches throughout the country.

This past weekend it was Norwegian Lutheran Mission church in Oslo.
For about 5 minutes Elisabeth Sæth had a special opportunity to speak to the women of Norway that we most likely never will get again. On average, more than 300.000 people follow this service every Sunday. Many heard the stories Elisabeth shared from Albania, Tanzania, Cambodia and other examples of women being helped through this ministry.

After the service, we were invited to share about Project Hannah in their Sunday school for adults. Harold introduced Norea a little, and then Elisabeth shared about women suffering in the world, sang the songs she does so well, and touched hearts. Harold shared about the Healing Voice project, and in the end we had the Project Hannah volunteer in Oslo, Merete, share how she had herself been lifted up by translating the prayer calendar, participating in the trip to Tanzania. Praise the Lord!

Harold , Norway

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