Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

November 26, 2014

From a Project Hannah intercessor:
On the last day of the prayer and fasting I got a big surprise from God. I say this because when we pray we hope to receive the answer from God in the way we feel it should be answered. But God has his best way...

I told my husband that I would love to see my last-born child working and to be out of the strong group influence that is disturbing our area. Now, I admit that I did not trust completely in God as I prayed. I was thinking that to start with, he could leave the group influence in this area and after that is done, he would look for a job.

But Jesus changed the mind of my child. My son secretly looked for a job and on the last day of the 40 days in prayer, he informed me that he was working in a construction company. It was like a dream in my mind – but no, it was a reality! My friend, let us trust God in everything and do not have your own answer in mind, because God knows what He can give to us. Hallelujah! God be Glorified, because He is loving to all of us!

Esperanca, Mozambique

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