Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

November 21, 2014

Praise the Lord for the outcome of the presidential elections in Romania. Klaus Johannis is the Mayor of Sibiu City. Under his leadership Sibiu was brought up from bankruptcy to one of the most prosperous and civilized city of the country. Mr Johannis is an Evangelical Lutheran believer. He has a personal relationship with God and the Bible is the most important Book for him. His family immigrated in Romania from Germany around 500 years ago. Mr Johannis has a clear message about the future of our nation as part of the Western civilization.We have the understanding that Mr Klaus Johannis is the one who will mark the deliverance of our nation from 70 years of communism. May you pray with us for the time when the President of Romania will declare that Jesus Christ is Lord of our nation? May the Romania People receive freedom, healing and cleansing in order to discern the will of God. Thank you for your brotherly love in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Nick, Romania

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