Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

August 25, 2014

Milena: Project Hannah is a great project. This project has opened my mind to the most difficult situations women face today all around the world. When I heard for the first time, I really thanked God for the woman who decided to start this project. The information we get, when we listen or read the prayer calendar is sometimes very painful, but in the midst of all the pain we have the great opportunity to bring all to God. Project Hannah has encouraged me to be thankful for the situation where I am; it helps me to go to God not only with my usual prayer requests, but with a humble heart to pray for other women. It seems to me like I am on a mission, and with my prayer I am going to impact that specific situation. This project has helped me also to get informed about the mentality of women who do not know the Bible and it has helped me also to appreciate the value I have in God’s eyes. Thank you!

Ledi, Albania

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