Project Hannah


Come and Listen

By Morgan Jackson

Whether you’re a wife, a mother, an aunt, a friend, or all of the above, I am a firm believer that women are an influential group. God has blessed females with a unique, compassionate spirit, and He has given them a natural ability to be able to connect with others on a daily basis. If a woman were to realize how worthy, how prized, and how completely and unconditionally loved she is by God, can you imagine how that revelation would echo through the lives of everyone she knows? Her children, her parents, her friends…and especially her husband.

The intended audience for Women of Hope programs is pretty obvious based on the name. But no matter how female-oriented a broadcast may be, chances are that the spiritual lesson behind the practical teaching can and should be implemented in everyone’s daily walk with the Lord. So today I want to share a few short testimonies from men who have been affected by Project Hannah’s programs because of the Christ-like, female influences pouring in to their life.

One Asian listener in the Philippines says, “My wife keeps on sharing with me about your program; the lessons she learn every week, the ideas and advice …I want to ask tips on how to become a good husband and father so that my family will become strong and faithful to God.”

That’s music to my ears. More men need to step up and be the spiritual leader for their family, just as this husband and father is attempting to do. But look back at the first sentence…”my wife keeps sharing…” God uses women as catalysts for change. They have influence. They carry power. Women can truly touch other’s lives once their own life has been forever transformed by Christ.

Another man from India also wrote to Project Hannah saying that he is eighty-seven years old and so enjoys Women of Hope despite it being primarily for women. He wants to encourage males and females alike to listen to this excellent program which “takes care of both the body and soul.”

Let’s pray today that men wouldn’t hear the title Women of Hope and immediately discount it as irrelevant to them. Let’s ask the Lord to use women in West Africa and all around the world to be God’s hands and feet to the men in their lives. Let’s pray that those men would be open and receptive to the biblical truths taught in the broadcasts, because Women of Hope is not just for us girls. Guys can listen too.

Re-post from TWR Intern Morgan Jackson's 31 Day web series: Intern Insights:  A Prayer Journey.

Morgan also wrote the Fall Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter:  read the articles online, download the PDF, and read earlier newsletters as well.

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