Project Hannah


Just Come

By Morgan Jackson

I read in the prayer calendar that some people are forbidden to pray together. I thank God that I can pray openly and am uplifted in my faith. I pray for other women and that God would bless my family and those around me as well.”

On every continent Project Hannah prayer groups are forming and people are praying together through the monthly calendar of requests. The needs of those being abused emotionally, physically, and spiritually are constantly being lifted up by these dedicated women, and the above quote is just one in an ocean of similar testimonies. This statement came from a woman in KwaZulu-Natal, a province in Southern Africa, who meets weekly with her Project Hannah prayer group. Others from that band of women have also written Project Hannah to likewise share how praying through the monthly calendar has impacted their spiritual walks:

One expresses her realization of just how big some women’s problems are compared to her own. The daily undertaking of lifting those sisters up has given her a perspective on life greatly focused on others rather than herself. Another testament comes from a woman who says that because of her experiences in this group, she now has a deeper faith that God hears her prayers. Through connecting to the Lord on a regular basis she feels closer to Him as He teaches her other spiritual disciplines as well.

I feel like somebody needs to hear this today…  Prayer is for everyone. There is no special way to do it and no certain manner in which to approach this wonderful privilege we have. You can freely come before God whenever you want and simply talk to Him. There is no formula and no person who has to do it for you. One on one, tell Him your joys, your hurts, your struggles, your pain, everything. He loves you and desires so much to have a personal relationship with you. These women in South Africa have learned how fulfilling and life-changing a strong prayer life can be. And I pray today that you too would be encouraged by these stories and would find joy in daily communion with the creator of the universe.

 Let me close with the words of one more member from this group: “Praying for others hurts me as we ourselves experience some of the same problems mentioned in the prayer calendars. But I have learned to pray for others before myself. Through this I find that God fixes things in my own life and encourages me to grow in my faith.”

Join me tomorrow as I reveal some of the ways in which prayer has impacted my life and my own personal walk with the Lord.

Also, if you wish to sign up to receive the monthly prayer calendar please click here.

Re-post from TWR Intern Morgan Jackson's 31 Day web series: Intern Insights:  A Prayer Journey.

Morgan also wrote the Fall Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter:  read the articles online, download the PDF, and read earlier newsletters as well.

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