Project Hannah


Why Pray?

By Morgan Jackson

It’s one of my biggest pet peeves when I hear someone say, “Well, I guess I’ll just pray about it.” “Just” – like a last resort after all other measures have been exhausted. That way of thinking is so completely backwards compared to the reality of prayer. Coming to God with our every need, intentionally giving Him control and praying for His will and guidance in our lives should not be taken lightly. It isn’t meant to be viewed as a last-ditch effort. Quite the opposite, it is the best option that exists, our ultimate lifeline.

Prayer is a direct link to the Heavenly Father. And along with reading His Word it serves as our sustenance and peace when life gets overwhelming. You can find rest in connecting with God and knowing His great love for you. He sacrificed His one and only Son on a cross to atone for your sins. If He is willing to do that, it seems silly not to daily come to Him in prayer and trust Him with the trials and tribulations this life may bring.  

Project Hannah understands this and regards prayer as the most influential means Christians possess to move the hand of God and to initiate change in this suffering world. Through the monthly prayer calendar and the lifting up of those requests worldwide, Project Hannah has instigated a global wave of petitions to our Lord and Savior.

A male listener in Tanzania shares a powerful statement on the topic: “I am very touched by your program…One day if God enables me I will be happy to support this work financially, but now the support which I can give is praying for you. God bless you all.”

He gets it. The financial needs of any evangelical endeavor such as Project Hannah will never surpass the ministry’s need for prayer. The spiritual duty of a Christian is to extend to others the life-changing compassion, hope, and love that can be found at the feet of Jesus. Through prayer people can experience these gifts and hearts can be changed. Those trapped in spiritual, cultural, mental, or physical bondage can find total freedom. And that, my friends, is why we pray.

If you are interested in joining this movement and receiving the monthly prayer calendar click here.

Re-post from TWR Intern Morgan Jackson's 31 Day web series: Intern Insights:  A Prayer Journey.

Morgan also wrote the Fall Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter:  read the articles online, download the PDF, and read earlier newsletters as well.

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