Project Hannah


Let Them Learn

By Morgan Jackson

Education is a privilege I think countless youth in the United States take for granted (myself included at times). The government requires that children attend school from the moment they can walk and talk it seems. As they mature in age, many begin to dread the five days per week they must spend in a classroom dealing with the work and mental energy learning requires. But what if I told you that there were millions of children on the other side of the world that would give anything to go to school for even just one day out of every week?

In West and Central Africa the situation is exceptionally urgent with the largest portion of children not getting an education of any region in the world. Surveys reveal that more than 23 million who should be in primary school are not. Coming from my U.S. background, I find it difficult to wrap my mind around that statistic.

This massive schooling deficit undoubtedly extends in to adulthood, making it difficult for men and women to earn money and provide for their families. It’s estimated that 65 million West African adults, about 40% of the grown-up population, cannot read or write. And of the 10 countries with the world’s lowest recorded adult literacy rates, seven are in West Africa alone.

Today it is heavy on my heart to pray for the women there who are struggling to take care of their families due to limited resources and their lack of an education. Let’s pray together that these ladies would understand how precious they are in God’s eyes, despite lies from society that they aren’t even worthy enough to receive proper schooling.

Lord Jesus, let them find love, acceptance, and empowerment in You.

Re-post from TWR Intern Morgan Jackson's 31 Day web series: Intern Insights:  A Prayer Journey.

Morgan also wrote the Fall Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter:  read the articles online, download the PDF, and read earlier newsletters as well.

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