Project Hannah


The Impact of Prayer (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter Article)

By Morgan Jackson

Prayer unites people, it changes lives, and God wants his children to take advantage of this beautiful birthright he has given us. The freedom we possess to talk openly to the Creator of the universe serves as one of the most influential means believers have to enact change in this hurting and suffering world. In India, a country where women are so undervalued that female babies too often are an unwanted inconvenience and even women view domestic abuse as normal and acceptable, Project Hannah’s prayer movement is taking root.

Thousands are praying through the monthly prayer calendar and learning the importance of daily fellowship with the Lord. A regular and faithful prayer partner there wrote to Project Hannah expressing how deeply she appreciates these efforts taken by the ministry to “link women around the world through this prayer network.” When we pray, we can move the hand of God, cultural barriers can be broken, and countless lives can be impacted for the Kingdom as a result of our diligent devotion to Christ.

Another Project Hannah supporter from India also conveys how much the prayer calendar and Women of Hope® broadcasts have helped her learn the importance of having a loving, ongoing relationship with God. She has discovered joy and peace in the Lord despite whatever challenges she may face in her culture. “I have learned that if we go away from God’s presence, there will be hunger and loss,” she writes. “And the only way out is to return to Him, to be humble, and to surrender ourselves into the hands of God. There is no other way except through the Redeemer.”

By joining together with other brothers and sisters in Christ around the world and by lifting up the same daily requests from each month’s prayer calendar, we have the opportunity to help women discover their worth in the eyes of God. We can have a part in extending hope and encouragement to those caught in physical, emotional, or spiritual bondage. Some women are stuck and have lost all hope; they simply cannot escape their current circumstances without divine intervention from the Savior.

One more Indian listener says, “My faith is a matter of contention at home, and I am tortured because of it. I feel so lonely, sad, and disheartened. But I thank God for what I have learned through your programs and through the love and counsel I receive from the prayer warriors!”

What a beautiful testimony. Our Heavenly Father answers prayer and is powerful enough to step in and change any situation, no matter how impossible it may seem. It is clear that the Lord is working, and these are but a few of the many stories of lives changed in response to this global wave of prayer.

Join Project Hannah's 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting from October 1 through November 9 (one day, one meal - however God leads you).

Written by TWR Intern, Morgan Jackson. Read Morgan's web series, Intern Insights:  A Prayer Journey.

Read the entire Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter and download earlier newsletters as well.

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