Project Hannah


A Prayer Journey: Full Intern Insights Series

By Morgan Jackson

TWR Intern Morgan Jackson documented her prayer journey during her time with Project Hannah. Be both informed and inspired as you read posts from her full 31 day series!

Ruth  As I read Project Hannah stories from Africa, her name appears countless times, a testimony to the many lives she has touched.

Let Them Learn  What if I told you that there were millions of children on the other side of the world that would give anything to go to school for even just one day out of every week?

Freedom  There is good news, though. No matter how desperate or bleak a situation, there is one freedom that every single person on this earth possesses...

Birds of Hope  Life can be hard, I know. We face difficult times and leave the flock, abandon what we know to be true. Yet through the joys and even amidst the heartache, strength in Christ remains.

Chain Reaction  Lord, bring hurting women out of their current situations. Open doors so that they may receive an education. But more importantly, bring them in to a relationship with You.

His Great Power  Considering the magnitude of the Lord’s unfathomable splendor, it’s hard for our human minds to comprehend His desire to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us.

Working in Tandem  People everywhere are tuning in and having transformative experiences as God uses these audio programs to speak truth in to their lives.

Why Pray?  Prayer is a direct link to the Heavenly Father. And along with reading His Word it serves as our sustenance and peace when life gets overwhelming.

Blessing in Disguise  Isn’t our God magnificent? Isn’t it wonderful that He can find ways to touch people’s hearts no matter what their situation may be?

FGM  In at least twenty African countries more than half of their women have endured some sort of FGM, and millions of young girls are still at risk every day.

Answer to Prayer  Our Heavenly Father answers prayer. He is powerful enough to step in and change any situation, no matter how impossible it may seem.

Just Come  I read in the prayer calendar that some people are forbidden to pray together. I thank God that I can pray openly and am uplifted in my faith…”

I Dare You  Despite my times of doubt and the moments I’ve turned my face from God’s love, I have always returned to the reassuring truth that prayer is my lifeline.

Taken for Granted  Pray with me today that God would provide an abundance of doctors, physicians, and nurses in Africa. This may seem like a huge  request, but remember that we serve the Great Physician.

He is Moving  West Africa does not just contain all the problems we hear in the news. It also contains HOPE. So many women there have found strength and hope in the Lord.

Expectations  We live a life full of expectations. But I would venture to say that in today’s American culture, one expectation triumphs as the most prevalent and widespread of them all: Water.

Unreached  An unreached people group can’t help it that they are unreached. They need the Lord’s Word to penetrate barriers so they can have the opportunity to believe.

Defeating the Darkness  Pray that the people in Benin would be able to discern which religious practices stem from lies and which stem from God’s truth.

Shame  Countless individuals have let their shame lock them in a mental cell and throw away the key. If today you feel that burden, please know you’re not alone.

Unexplainable Hope  It’s so encouraging to have assurance from the Bible’s truths and stories like this that God can change even the hardest of hearts.

He's in Charge  “The primary threat to women in West Africa is not a man with a gun or a stranger. It is their husbands”

Come and Listen  God uses women as catalysts for change. They have influence. They carry power. Women can truly touch other’s lives once their own life has been forever transformed by Christ.

He's in Charge, part 2  God, let women fall so in love with You that they would not settle for a man who doesn’t exemplify that same love in his actions and words.

Call on Him  Today, let’s join as brothers and sisters in Christ, lift up our voices, and create a wave of earnest petitions to our Heavenly Father.

Mom  There is something truly special about a mother’s influence and the impact she has in the lives of her children.

Women of Hope  No human happiness could ever come close to comparing with the joy found in the everlasting inheritance we have in Christ Jesus.

Truth  “Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.” Jeremiah 32:17 (ESV)

Some Women  God can comfort your heart and bring joy into your life. Look how He has already put right so many damaged relationships and restored the spirits of those trapped in mental oppression.

Cluttered Desk  It’s mind blowing to try and comprehend the far-reaching impact Project Hannah has. But my cluttered desk is the one thing that gives me the slightest glimpse in to the massive influence Christ is having in people’s lives all across the globe.

Farewell  For 31 Days, we came to the Lord and entrusted Him to come to the aid of the people in West Africa, to free women there from whatever bondage they may be trapped in, and to have His way in our own lives as well. My parting challenge to you is this: don’t stop!

Meet Morgan:  I didn't know what my time with TWR would hold, but I did know that we serve an awesome and powerful God who lovingly created each of us.

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