Project Hannah


The Butterfly Effect (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter Column)

In 1963, Edward Lorenz presented a hypothesis to the New York Academy of Science that was greeted with nothing but laughter. Author Andy Andrews recounted the preposterous, ridiculous proposition that “a fragile butterfly can flap its wings and set molecules of air in motion, which move other molecules of air – eventually capable of starting a hurricane on the other side of the planet.” Mocked by the scientific community, this so-called “butterfly effect” – the name of Andrews’ book – took hold as a fascinating myth used in comic books, low-grade movies and science fiction. To the amazement of some scientists 30 years later, physics professors concluded that the proposed theory was “authentic, accurate, and viable”! Dubbed the Law of Sensitive Dependence Upon Initial Conditions, according to Andrews, it’s been proven that a small change or motion by any form of matter, including people, can cause a chain of events that leads to a large-scale phenomenon. Thus, an almost weightless butterfly can unleash great forces of nature like the hurricane. Unbelievable!

I thought of unbelievable people who started movements with one idea, one move with global impact, some affecting our lives to this day:  Einstein, Mother Teresa, William Booth, Paul Freed and others, including a Jewish carpenter and his 12 uneducated friends! One idea, one move, one “flapping of wings” causing changes in people, communities, even countries!!

In 1997 a handful of women gathered to pray with me for the 500 Chinese women who kill themselves each day to escape a life of indignity and shame simply for being females! Their “wings” of earnest, simple prayer resulted in Project Hannah’s massive prayer movement established today in 123 countries and 70 languages. It is a wave of prayer circling the globe 24/7 and causing a powerful hurricane of faith changing the eternal destiny of millions of women (and men) worldwide.

In 1998, another handful of women, TWR missionary wives on the island of Guam, flexed their “wings” by producing Project Hannah’s first Women of Hope radio program in English. Today this signature program is piercing the “veil” of intellectual, social and spiritual darkness covering women with Christ’s liberating message of eternal life, light and truth in more than 60 languages. In addition to reaching women in their heart languages and in their homelands through high-powered radio, the programs are reaching isolated immigrants. As the world comes to our doorsteps, Women of Hope is a tool being used to change women’s lives whether through phone lines set up in Germany, MP3 players handed out in Sweden or the Internet wherever it can be accessed.

We in Project Hannah are grateful to each one who has prayed or given during 15 years of blessed ministry. I pray for more “butterflies” ready to fly with strength and grace so that Project Hannah can continue to expand its outreach to women. Only Jesus can heal their aching hearts and their needy lands. Oh, I pray you will passionately “flex your wings” in prayer and giving, causing a “hurricane” of God’s saving hope to sweep all around the world – including in your own homes and neighborhoods!


Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter is a ministry publication of TWR's Project Hannah created three times each year. Founder Marli Spieker's column is on the back of each issue. View this column as part of the full issue and share the PDF with friends!

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