Project Hannah


Food That Endures (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

Acute food shortages are one of many hardships endured by the people of North Korea. Pregnant women are often so malnourished their bodies simply cannot bear the physical stress of carrying a child to full term. Sadly, miscarriages are common. Mothers lacking the nourishment to produce milk find themselves unable to nurse their children. These underfed children are left in nurseries so the mothers can work to afford food. There is no freedom of choice when it comes to jobs available. Such is the existence of North Korean women.

Project Hannah team members in South Korea feel for their sisters in the north and produce a Women of Hope program tailored just for them. The program not only offers spiritual encouragement but also educates, providing information on topics such as child care and nutrition. Meeting with listeners is impossible, as is receiving listener letters to find out what the audience learns from the programs. But the radio broadcasts can still reach the hurting women of North Korea with weekly messages of God’s love and eternal hope.

The power of prayer also reaches across the border. And the South Korean ministry team shares a deep conviction about the importance of both personal and corporate prayer. For the past year, the team has been working to engage more South Korean women with Project Hannah’s global prayer network, asking these women to commit to using the monthly prayer calendars and to pray for women not only in North Korea but also globally. Please join them in prayer for the broadcasts reaching across barriers into North Korea. Pray that no barrier will keep North Korean women from the gospel message of food that endures to eternal life (John 6:27, 35).

Adapted from an article by Serene Yang of TWR-Asia.

View and read about photos from Marli's recent trip to South Korea!

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