Project Hannah


Courage Amidst Life's Violent Storms (Marli From Africa)

Dear friends,

Greetings from beautiful Africa! Thanks for praying – God has answered many prayers and I am going back home with a heart more sensitized than ever for the deep, deep needs of this continent. The women here suffer in so many ways and on so many levels that it is really a hard place for Hope to resonate in their hearts and minds. When one starts praying with them, the tears flow in ways I have not seen in any other place.

     Ruth was a superb hostess! She went out of her way to keep me safe. I realize this time that my white skin is a curse for me there . . . I wish I could take it off and put on her beautiful brown skin. Really! I felt like I was a flashlight! Ruth and Joyce, Project Hannah’s Tanzania Coordinator, were so much fun to be with! There was so much laughter in the van during the 13 days! I enjoyed myself and had a great, fun time – in spite all the hard stuff we had to grapple with. I know this was also God’s hand over us.

     Yesterday [Saturday, August 13th], I returned to South Africa from Tanzania and met with Project Hannah/ TWR colleagues wrapping up my time here, especially laying down some strategic plans for the further development of our newest Project Hannah in Namibia.

     Now is time to evaluate the work done here. How can I thank God enough for the way he took strength out of our weakness, bringing souls to him and glory to his name? Project Hannah is in excellent hands here in Africa. I have learned much from Ruth and her team of National coordinators and their unending dedication and expectant faith.

     Then there were the women we serve . . . the faces, voices and tears I saw in every meeting here will forever be etched in my mind. In the presence of these courageous women, I felt as if I were standing on holy ground. To witness their resilience and hard work as they face life’s violent storms, deeply touched and taught me in many ways. In one meeting attended by 240 women, men and a few children, 60 of them responded to the call to surrender their lives and pain to the great defender of the weak, Jesus! May the seeds planted during these past few weeks yield much lasting fruit and transformation in their lives, families and their broken society.

In his vineyard,


Travel through Africa with Marli:

A Call to Prayer (Marli's 1st Africa Letter, 2 1/2 weeks into her trip)

Being God's Healing Hand for Hurting Women (Marli's 2nd Africa Letter, from Dodoma)

Open Hearts, Tremendous Joy (Marli’s 3rd Africa Letter, from Arusha, Tanzania)

Courage Amidst Life's Violent Storms (above on this page - Marli's 4th Africa Letter)

Hope for the Heart of Africa (Marli's final Africa Letter)

Marli's Africa Photos (2011 Africa Consultation, Travels; NOTE: photos and other contents of Project Hannah's Facebook Page can be viewed without a Facebook account).

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