Project Hannah


Call to Prayer (Marli's Letter From Africa)

Travel through Africa with Marli:

A Call to Prayer (below on this page - Marli's 1st Africa Letter, 2 1/2 weeks into her trip)

Being God's Healing Hand for Hurting Women (Marli's 2nd Africa Letter, from Dodoma)

Open Hearts, Tremendous Joy (Marli’s 3rd Africa Letter, from Arusha, Tanzania)

Courage Amidst Life's Violent Storms (Marli's 4th Africa Letter)

Hope for the Heart of Africa (Marli's final Africa Letter)

Marli's Africa Photos (2011 Africa Consultation, Travels; NOTE: photos and other contents of Project Hannah's Facebook Page can be viewed without a Facebook account).

Dear friends,

I arrived in South Africa amazingly and surprisingly refreshed after a looooong day of 37 hours and 18 in that one airplane. I am waiting on the Lord for Isaiah 40:31 - I know he will give me my “Eagle’s wings;” if he takes me there and gives me my wings I can do everything and will do it with joy and courage.

I was depressed anticipating sitting for 18 hours in seat 63! In my mind it was at the “kitchen” of the aircraft – I like to travel as much toward the front of the plane as possible. Well, I did not get bumped up front, but God took the large guy sitting next to me to another seat “so that you have more space” he said to me! I was able to curl up and actually do something I never do – sleep on the plane!!! Then from Dakar down, the next 10 hours, I got seat 45, the first row after first class and could have my feet up. Isn’t God, God??? Love that.

I guess it is the prayers of so many friends like you carrying me in their wings! I feel so extremely blessed! My humanness as weak and old as is does not play a part when God gives me these wings – his higher purpose takes me to higher ground and to a higher level of trust. I want the women in Africa to experience this too. That’s why I am here!

The launching of Project Hannah in Namibia gave an opportunity to inform pastors and women of Project Hannah’s vision and passion. Six group leaders and 22 women will start prayer groups. Even though there are no funds at this time, they will continue to spread the word and encourage women to pray with Project Hannah’s intercessors around the world.

After returning to South Africa, I heard that Magnus (from our Namibia meetings) was robbed on Sunday. He stopped on the road because there was a person lying on the street. Suddenly two people came to the car and one had a knife all the time on his neck. They first took his shoes, belt and watch. Then they stole the laptop which he had still in the car from the service. They also took the camera and the money (the Project Hannah offering). Praise the Lord they did not kill him. Please keep Magnus in your prayers.

Our historic first Project Hannah African Consultation ended with much joy and praise to God! It was a delightful and very profitable time of learning, fellowshipping, setting new standards and ministry directives for the work of Project Hannah across this needy continent. The testimonies of the participants on the last day were proof of the wonderful work the Holy Spirit accomplished in the lives and ministry of our dear African sisters.

The final meeting at a Methodist Church in Kempton Park was very moving and well attended. People from different churches came and God gave me much freedom. Many responded and prayer groups were formed.

As I write to you, the Imams in Tanzania are calling people to pray and it gives me an eerie feeling. May God bless these people who so earnestly seek to appease their god. Please be in prayer for protection for me and Ruth. Our luggage arrived damaged and items missing, including the gifts I had for the Project Hannah ladies. Pray for strength. We have been traveling and in meetings for two weeks and even though our spirits are ready for the great opportunity ahead of us, our bodies and minds are tired. We need an extra measure of strength and grace to share his love with the women of this spiritually dark country.

Thanks for travelling with me on your knees!


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