Project Hannah


Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter June 2011 (There is Truth, Value of Women)

Aborted because they won’t be sons. Abused because they are only daughters or sisters. Abandoned because wives are disposable. Cultures around this world have believed the lies:  women are property not people, liabilities to their families and society. Women themselves believe the lies:  there is no place for them, they are worthless.

     But God’s Word declares the truth: people were created in his image, both male and female. Jesus died so that none would perish. A godly woman’s value is immense– she is worth far more than rubies (Proverbs 31:10). Each letter and story in the June 2011 Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter recounts how God, through audio messages undergirded by prayer, is dispelling lies with the truth.

     Encourage others with all that God is doing. Email the Hannah’s Heartbeat PDF to friends or share individual articles on your Facebook page or personal blog (or, share the entire newsletter and related links by sharing this summary page!). Thank you for your vital role in reaching precious, suffering women with the hope of God’s love.

Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter June 2011 Cover Article: Valuable Lessons. Lacking Basic knowledge about diseases, healthy foods and hygiene prevents millions of mothers from keeping their children alive, let alone well. That is why for 13 years Women of Hope programs have offered practical advice and insight along with letting women know they are understood and loved – especially by God.

Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter June 2011, page 2:  Immeasurable Worth. Asked to record assets above the line they wrote “men and boys.” To record liabilities below the line, they wrote “women and girls.” But one woman has taken it upon herself to ensure these 160 million women in 22 countries hear about God’s love for them.

Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter June 2011, page 3:  In God’s Sight. Since all the activities of her church were done by men, Bheria understood there was no place in God’s house for women. But, then a voice on the radio spoke [Nepali Women of Hope] straight to her heart, filling her with a joy she had never even imagined.

Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter June 2011, page 3:  Beautiful Words. Her mother told her that it was as if women do not exist, like they had been doomed by God. So, she prayed that God would not give her a daughter or she would be doomed as well. But, then she heard the voices on Women of Hope [Albanian].

Founder Marli Spieker’s 2011 June Hannah’s Heartbeat Column:  More Valuable than Rubies. Because cultures are shaped by fallen people who have no understanding of women’s value and purpose, women remain devalued and disposable. Undergirded by a powerful prayer ministry, for 13 years Women of Hope has proclaimed the truth of God’s master plan for mankind, silencing Satan’s lies about women. Thank you for praying with us!

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to friends so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current issue; archives of past issues are also available).

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