Project Hannah


In the Potter's Hands, Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter

…In that moment, my little car became a sanctuary. I felt as though God was sitting in the passenger’s seat staring at me! I came to my senses. In tears, I relinquished all my rights, my plans and my will to him. ‘Yes, I am the clay, Lord.’ And in my mind and heart I knew that clay does not rebel; clay does not have plan A, B, and C; clay does not talk back to its maker! It simply abandons itself to the shaping of the potter’s hands. I thought I was a flexible person. I was willing to go back and forth to Asia as many times as needed. We had sold our house so that we could use the mortgage payments to provide for my personal expenses traveling with Edmund. I had left behind family, church, personal comforts . . . but God did not want my ‘flexibility.’ He wanted my 'pliability;' my total abandonment to his will and his skillful hands to shape me according to his plan—not mine! So, after thirty-two years of missionary service, I found myself surrendering my life anew to his sovereign will.

     Since Project Hannah’s beginning, we have strived to scale cultural, religious, social, and racial barriers using these two powerful tools—superpower radio and high-power prayer. God is using our efforts and taking women out of darkness into the light of Jesus . . . and hope wins all over the world!

Excerpt from Founder Marli Spieker’s story told in Chapter 1 of When Hope Wins

When Hope Wins isn’t merely the title of a book; we praise God it is the reality of what he is doing for suffering women through this media and prayer ministry he created! Read more from When Hope Wins and order a copy for yourself or a friend today (hardcover, 176 pages, $12 including shipping; only available in the US; Canadian Residents, contact TWR Canada at 1-888-672-6510).

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to a friend so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current February 2011 issue; archives of past issues are also available).

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