Project Hannah


The Most Important Work (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

Excerpt from Chapter 1 of When Hope Wins by Project Hannah Founder Marli Spieker

“It occurred to me that women’s suffering is not only a gender problem, or just a social or economic problem; it is a deeply rooted spiritual problem that can only be dealt with through spiritual means. I knew that the only way to go about releasing women from darkness was through prayer—the most powerful resource God has given to his Church. Corporate, focused, informed, earnest prayer!

     The strategy for Project Hannah was given to me . . . when I not only saw the use of radio in a new light, but understood anew that prayer is the most important work we can do for these dear women. I am an eyewitness to his power-working miracles in the lives of women from many cultures and walks of life, as a direct result of our prayer and culturally-relevant radio programs. All the stories of this book testify to that. Project Hannah’s massive worldwide prayer movement is the propelling force behind such miracles. In Project Hannah, we believe that prayer not only supports the work—prayer is the work!”

2010 Testimony from a prayer group member in Mozambique:

“I always used to go to church but I could not follow God’s commandments, and also had not yet experienced the power of prayer. When I came to this [Project Hannah prayer] group, my biggest wish was to be touched by God´s power and for my husband to be brought back home. It was difficult and took a lot of time, but now he is back. He helps with the house expenses and even helps me in my business. I am very happy for that. My sisters, let’s pray without stopping.”

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to a friend so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current February 2011 issue; archives of past issues are also available).

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