Project Hannah


Freedom Found Behind Prison Bars (When Hope Wins, Chapter 7 Excerpt)

“My husband looked at me and said, ‘I am leaving.’ And he left—just like that—and moved in with his lover. My heart was stabbed with rejection and I kept asking myself in disbelief, How could he do this to us? That was the beginning of a long, hard road for me. After a month without being able to pay the rent I was forced to leave the house. I had no job and no place to go with my five children. For weeks I searched for a job—any job—that would help me make ends meet in order to survive, but it was hopeless. Who would take in a woman with five children?

One day I happened to run into a woman who, after listening to my story, offered me a job and a place to stay . . . just a small house behind hers with a few pieces of furniture. I could not believe it. Finally here was light at the end of the tunnel! I was ecstatic, and even though I did not know this woman, I gladly accepted her offer.

However, it did not take long for me to realize that her generosity had strings attached. She was deeply involved in illegal activities and I was caught in the middle of it all. I knew I was in serious trouble.

When she realized I had figured it out, she confronted me and threatened me, saying that if I ever tried to get away, I would forever regret what would happen to one of my children. I was trapped and scared wondering what would happen to me. Two months went by and all I could think about was how to get away! I could not sleep . . . I was terrified!

One morning, a police drug squad vehicle stopped outside the house. Sure enough, inside they found a large quantity of cocaine of the highest value. Then they returned to my house and accused me of being a drug dealer also.

I was put behind bars and told to wait for my trial."

This part of Ramona’s story is an excerpt from Chapter 7 of When Hope Wins. Written by Founder Marli Spieker, When Hope Wins is a book of 10 real life stories proclaiming the Lord’s transforming work through Project Hannah and TWR. Click here to order a copy of When Hope Wins for you or a friend today! (book sold for delivery in the US only; Canadian Residents: Please contact the TWR Canada office for book availability by calling 1-888-672-6510).

Read updates on Project Hannah’s prison ministry in Paraguay.

Watch the DESTINATION: HOPE, South America video today to see Marli ministering in the Paraguayan prison where she met Ramona and heard her story (just before the 2 1/2 minute mark of the 4 minute video; the Paraguayan prison footage is just after the 7 minute mark of the full 9 minute DESTINATION: HOPE video).


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