Project Hannah


Women of Hope Aired in Two New Languages July 1st!

Praise God with us, Women of Hope began airing in two new languages on July 1st:  Oromo for Ethiopia and Umbundu to Angola. Project Hannah’s Women of Hope program now airs in 56 languages.

     The radio program Women of Hope is central to Project Hannah's mission of extending God’s compassion, encouragement and hope to suffering women worldwide. Transmitted from high-powered AM and shortwave sites and aired via hundreds of local radio stations, it reaches through physical and spiritual walls, bringing the love of God to women in all walks of life.

     Each Women of Hope program includes a “Life Message” segment of teaching on such basics as childcare, food preparation, and hygiene as well as a “Soul Message” segment introducing women to Jesus, the One who can redeem them and affirm their true worth as daughters of a loving Father. Since its first airing in 1998, God has used Women of Hope to bring countless women from darkness into His kingdom of light. Many testify with this Indian listener to the Hindi program, “We are learning new things through every episode and now have hope of eternal life. It is indeed a blessing to the women in my area and is a means for us to follow Jesus with all our heart.”

     Please join us in praying that these new programs will be used by God to give women in Angola and Ethiopia God’s strength for each day together with the certainty of hope in eternal life through Him.

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