Project Hannah


Albania - True Liberty for Albania

In the late 1980s, Albania emerged from decades of communist rule.  Freedom swept the land, with opportunities for people to pursue personal dreams.  Today, however, many Albanian women still face considerable opposition from society as well as spiritual oppression.  That’s why Project Hannah desires to share the hope of Christ’s transforming power and enable them to break free from spiritual darkness.

     TWR’s partner in Albania distributes tens of thousands of Project Hannah prayer calendars in close to 100 groups across the country.  In addition, thousands of people participate in listener rallies every year, and the ministry receives around 20,000 phone calls from listeners throughout the year.  Many women testified that they gave their lives to Jesus after listening to the Albanian Women of Hope program and now are part of local churches.

     “We are thankful to Project Hannah,” says local pastor Gentian Proseku, who has taught in his church in Tirana for 11 years.  “The teaching is excellent, and I am encouraged that not only women are hearing the teaching, but also men. I am one of those men.  I see that when a woman is totally free, she will have a great role of bringing liberty to other women and different groups of society,” says Gentian.  One such woman is Shqiponja.

     Shqiponja is a business owner in Tirana who struggles to earn a living and care for her two children.  Despite her meager income, she purchases and distributes small radios to women who come into her store.  “I am very encouraged by Women of Hope.  When I hear the program, I often say, ‘This is just for me,’” she says.  “But I couldn’t keep this blessing only for myself.  I just wanted to share with others what I had received.”  She adds that she is also encouraged by the prayer calendar. “I feel we are all the body of Christ, and we support each other through prayer.”

Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter June 2011, page 3:  Beautiful Words. This Albanian woman was told by her mother that it was as if women do not exist, like they had been doomed by God. But, then she heard the voices on Women of Hope [Albanian].

Read how God radically changed an entire Albanian Roma family through Women of Hope [Eternally Changed, Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter February 2011].

Blood Feuds still terrorize scores of Albanian families. Read Elona's story, a blood feud widow, and pray that God will bring a supernatural end to this horrible tradition of man.

Radio connects isolated Albanians to their Creator and to each other. Read more!

Read thank you letters from Albanian listeners.

Most of the prayer requests for Southeastern European Countries are timeless. Use the monthly prayer focus resources to guide you in focused prayer for the women of Albania.

Watch the DESTINATION: HOPE video today to hear directly from those featured in this article and to learn more about how God is working through Project Hannah and radio ministry in Albania and around the world (the 2 1/2 minute segment on Albania starts 1 minute into the video).

In Project Hannah founder Marli Spieker’s book, When Hope Wins,* you can read about how God used the ministry of Project Hannah to radically change one Albanian woman’s life after disaster shook her world in 2008. You'll also learn more about how the gospel message is still so desperately needed in that country where many still seek the truth and freedom which can only be found in Christ. Click here to purchase your copy today!

To join those in Albania receiving the encouragement of being part of Project Hannah’s prayer movement, please sign-up to receive the monthly prayer calendar.

*Book available in the United States only. Canadian Residents: Please contact the TWR Canada office for book availability by calling 1-888-672-6510.

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