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Consolation Bringing Joy (Nepal) Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter Cover Article

Although approximately half of Nepal’s population is female, in their society, their value is not equal to that of men. Violence against women is common. Many are trafficked and forced into prostitution or bonded servitude. Others endure, even accept, various forms of abuse, ranging from emotional to psychological to sexual. Beyond that, Nepal is among the poorest and least developed countries in the world. Water contamination presents a whole slew of complications, and bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, encephalitis, malaria and dengue fever are common problems for many Nepalese.

     Through prayer groups, on-the-ground mercy ministries and the radio program Women of Hope, Project Hannah’s (PH) ministry of compassion has had a tremendous effect on the lives of women living in desperate circumstances worldwide. Since September 2008, TWR-Nepal has tailored these pillars of Project Hannah’s vital global outreach to fit their unique culture. Through Women of Hope (Nari Asha) in Nepali, suffering and isolated women find comfort, consolation and encouragement. The program features relevant topics that address spiritual, physical, psychological and social needs.

     A group of regular listeners said that through the program they learn about how to raise their children, care for their family and meet the emotional needs of their husbands. Another group reported being regularly sick because of the dirty water, but after they learned about the importance of clean water on Women of Hope, they took steps to keep their drinking water safe.

     In addition to the effective programs, on-the-ground sewing and literacy classes provide outreach opportunities while equipping women for their daily lives, and many have expressed their thanks for these holistic ministries. Please join us in praying for the women of Nepal who ask that God would continue to console them with his joy, despite their circumstances.

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:19

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