Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

March 2010

Dear friend and intercessor,


“Thank you” is not enough to express the depth of my gratitude to you for the days and months you’ve spent praying diligently for Project Hannah’s women worldwide. It is humbling to know that you pray even for me. Your prayers are indeed my life-line, especially when traveling in closed countries, or on long days when strength and wisdom are not enough for the task at hand, or even when savoring the sweet fellowship with Project Hannah’s wonderful teams of intercessors and listeners worldwide. Today, “I thank my God for every remembrance of you!”  And I thank YOU for shouldering the burden we carry for women in desperate need of hope.


I pray your eyes will be fixed on Jesus; your vision and heart enlarged with His compassion for the hurting. I pray His healing touch in your places of brokenness every time you enter His presence on their behalf. I pray that as you soak in His light, His presence will renew and refresh you. I think of the times you prayed for the suffering women believing the impossible…times when you kept praying while feeling the sting of the same wrenching anguish, pain and loss. God honored you and out of weakness, He has crowned you with strength proving again that our human neediness is the perfect match for his endless sufficiency.


I firmly believe that our individual mustard-seed-size-faith will move mountains of inadequacy and lack of resources for millions of women who cannot read or write this month. God’s sufficiency will equip Project Hannah teams to reach out to them in greater, more relevant ways conducting literacy programs on the ground, as well as broadcasting His love story in a manner they can best understand.


I especially pray for Project Hannah intercessors who orally receive these prayer requests. They know firsthand how difficult it is to be unable to read or write.  I assure them that their condition will never be able to change their position as precious, valuable children of God. On our knees we are all world changers!”  Together in prayer we will make a difference in this world proclaiming God’s love, faith and unwavering hope – the kind of hope Sarah Young describes in her book, Jesus Calling, “Hope is like a golden cord connecting you to heaven. The more you cling to this cord, the more God bears the weight of your burdens, thus, you are lightened.  Heaviness is not from His Kingdom.  Cling to hope and His rays of Light will reach you through the darkness.” -  Intellectual, societal and spiritual darkness!


Thank you, thank you, thank you,


Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah