Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

July 2015

Dear friend,

Thank you for choosing to pray through Project Hannah’s prayer calendar this month as we pray for men, husbands, fathers. How wonderful that we can step into the throne room of our heavenly Father and through Jesus Christ intercede not only for the women we serve but also for the men in their lives.

Wherever I go, I often hear men asking for a men’s radio program. Four years ago, God used a man in Mozambique to set in motion this much-needed ministry. It was right after a Project Hannah prayer meeting that was being attended by Brother Rinse Postuma from TWR’s national partner for the Netherlands and Belgium. The man asked Rinse: “Why does TWR have a special program only for women? Why not for men? We need so much help!”  Brother Rinse passed this question on to me, and we felt that it was God’s timing. Men and women started to pray for this new ministry.

In April 2015, God answered the prayers of many Project Hannah ladies in many countries as TWR launched a new radio program an associated ministry called Champions Arise, an outreach to bless men around the world and encourage them to be the husbands, fathers, and steadfast “champions” that God wants them to be.

This is especially a dream come true for my husband, Edmund, who is spearheading the project. For years I have watched his passion, his efforts to find the right content, his long periods of fasting and praying, his rallying others to do the same. Monthly, he and a band of TWR brothers gather to pray for men and for these programs. Their strategy? In cooperation with other ministries, Champions Arise will utilize Christ-centered, grace-oriented content and emerging technologies to develop, translate, produce, distribute, and use radio and other media for teaching and coaching men throughout the world.

I am thankful for our male intercessors who faithfully pray for Project Hannah. My husband is on his knees daily praying for women and has become quite an advocate for women and Project Hannah’s ministry since its inception. Now it’s our turn. Let us intercede for the Champions Arise ministry and, in particular, for men who are looking for help and direction. They need to be free from the grip of selfishness, of sin, and, in many countries, of harmful cultural practices. Imagine the blessing when they become the leaders of value and character that the women in their lives yearn for.

Believing with you,


Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah