Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

December 2013

Dear praying friends,

Yesterday, visiting old and sick friends whom I have not seen for two years, I was deeply touched.  They wanted to know more about Project Hannah ministry.  They talked about our worldwide ministry and teams and even my trips with a familiarity as if they had traveled with me.  Without leaving their home and the wheelchair they traveled on their knees in prayer.  Praise God for intercessors like you and the invaluable work you do in prayer and giving.  Together we can fulfill God’s mandate to “bind up the brokenhearted and to set captives free” using Project Hannah’s Women of Hope radio program – now in 64 languages!

Christmas is at the door, and this brings to mind a quote I read recently: “When God became a man, he chose to make his entry point in this world through the holy space of a woman, to enfold himself inside of a woman, to drink of a woman, be held and cared for by a woman – that’s the jolting truth of how much God loves his daughters!”  

That “woman” was Mary, a teenage girl who unselfishly surrendered her body, her life to God’s will as the “bond servant of the Lord.”  Her immediate response was a song of praise proclaiming God’s coming kingdom where the hungry would be filled and the captives set free.  With three words, "May it be," Mary changed the eternal destiny of all humanity.  God used her to bring the great liberator of the oppressed, the sustainer of the weak – Jesus, the Redeemer who came to seek and save the lost, to love the poor and powerless, to break “every yoke” and to set the prisoners free!

I invite you to pray for women locked away in prisons.  Project Hannah’s teams visit them regularly.  Many have accepted Jesus.  Their bodies are still captive, but their souls are free.  They’ve become prayer warriors!  Their voices, like yours, are part of this mighty prayer “choir” echoing in God’s throne room 24/7.  Inside prisons’ walls they boldly believe that Christ in us gives us the right to say with Isaiah:  “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring Good News to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners” (Is. 61:1).

Oh, may we believe and stand in this promise at this Christmas time!

Thank you!







Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah