Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

September 2012





Dear friend,


Imagine a 40,000-voice choir singing in unison in more than 70 languages and 120 countries, echoing 24 hours a day and seven days a week. And you are part of it when you join us in prayer. Project Hannah’s prayer calendar is used daily from big cities in the Americas to remote African villages, in churches and universities in Europe to prisons in Asia – women, men and young people praying the same prayer request that reaches the Throne Room of God in an unbroken, mighty chorus of faith-filled and faithful intercession. Overwhelming thought! Through prayer, you and I can touch God’s heart and impact our world for Christ.



We need you to keep singing even when the music is dissonant and not so easy. Please continue lending your voice to those who have no voice or a prayer to say for themselves.  Brother Andrew, founder of Open Doors, wrote: "God invites us to influence our community, our nation, and the world – to literally direct history while we're on our knees." That is exactly what Hannah experienced when she prayed in anguish before God (1 Samuel 1:10-18.) God not only answered her request for a son but also gave her the grace to produce the greatest prophet and judge of her time. Indeed, the “effective prayer of a righteous man [or woman] accomplishes much” (James 5:16b). Our prayers can release something of God’s power into a situation or a life that otherwise might never experience his touch!



Someone said: “There is eternal influence and power in motherhood.” Indeed, mothers leave their fingerprints all over their children’s lives! So let us pray that mothers all over the globe will respond to this serious call of God – to be his hands shaping the next generation. Let’s ask God to allow and help us proclaim Jesus’ transformational truth to mothers. For only Jesus can set them free from sin and brokenness. Let’s pray confidently knowing that our God is in the business of forgiveness and restoration and believing that Christ’s light is still stronger than the darkest night these women might face. Indeed, Jesus is able to save them completely! Therefore, let’s pray not losing heart, for in due time, we will reap, if we do not grow weary (Galatians 6:9).



This will be music for God’s ears!



In the “choir” with you!



Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah