Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

June 2011

Dear friend,

In April, tornadoes touched down very close to where I live. Strong winds, hail and torrential rain destroyed entire neighborhoods, blowing away large trees, trucks, boats, you name it! Three young children died instantly when their home collapsed on them, and days later, people were still missing. I realized that lately catastrophes and wars seem to be daily breaking news! All this reminds us of how frail our lives are.

In June, we earnestly pray for the victims of such disasters and families that have lost everything, as well as those in government and relief organizations dealing with the aftermath of such tragic events. As we pray and expose ourselves to the gruesome reality women and children who are the victims of wars and catastrophes face, we might be shaken to the core, especially if the victim is someone we know. Death and destruction make the strongest tremble, and those of us who walk with God and trust in his power to carry us through such horrible realities are drawn to his strong and caring arms by our faith.

The Bible warns us that wars, earthquakes and the violence of the sea are part of the end times. We cannot pray those away. Christ told his disciples to lift their eyes when these things would take place, because his coming is drawing near, but we pray for peace and spiritual strength in midst of these circumstances. We pray for women to know the One who can still the roaring sea. We pray that in midst of war and violence they will find the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding, and experience his presence and saving power. He “is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4.). I believe and have experienced that the promise of Romans 8:38-39 is real. Indeed, nothing can separate us from the love of God...NOTHING!

 I encourage you to stand in this promise as we pray together for women affected by war and catastrophes. May they find peace and hope in midst of turmoil, war, death and tragedy.

Believing with you,


Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah