Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

May 2011

My dear friend,


You have prayed faithfully for suffering women and Project Hannah’s faithful teams worldwide. Your heart has cried out for God’s mercy and intervention in their lives month after month. I thank my God in every remembrance of you!

With great faith we will pray for women in the European Nordic Countries in May. Some of you might wonder why we pray for women who have nothing to complain about. Their governments take care of everything for them: education, money, healthcare, careers, success – it seems like they have it all! Do they really?


It is easy to be fooled by appearances, isn't it? Underneath it all I am convinced that many women are still hungry for love, acceptance and significance. After looking at these secularized societies, it’s easy to see that many have lost their moral compass, influenced by postmodern worldviews and spiritual apathy. It pains me to think that these nations used to be the breeding ground for missionary service and many lost their lives serving other distant lands and their needy people. But today there are very few in the Nordic countries answering God’s call and many are disillusioned with the traditional Church. They look for answers to fill the hole in their souls, knowing not that only God can fill their hearts with eternal purpose and happiness.

It is amazing to see how the Nordic people have opened their gates to millions of refugees from the whole world. They came seeking answers to their needs with problems that are not easily solved. If we could put our ear to the ground, we would hear millions of women asking for real hope, real love and real security – things that no government or social laws can ever give. We pray for these pressing needs this month.


I feel honored to be ministering in Finland and Sweden in May. Please pray for spiritual revival and that many new intercessors and supporters to Project Hannah’s ministry will join us in spreading hope to women everywhere. Please pray for God’s Spirit to continue to bless women through Women of Hope programs over the radio, Internet and other media outlets, as well as through the powerful prayer movement in each Nordic country.


Now is the time to give back to these dear brothers and sisters who have prayed and given financially for years to Project Hannah’s radio program, Women of Hope in Asia, Southern Europe, Central Asia and Africa. Now it is our turn to bring them to the Throne Room of our Lord in prayer. This is the beauty of Project Hannah – it is an unbroken circle of sisters (and brothers) supporting each other with hope and faith in prayer. Let's pray for them until the glory of God shines overwhelmingly over them.   


Because He Lives,


Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah