Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

June 2015

Dear friend,

Since January 7, 2012, Project Hannah’s Women of Hope broadcast has been going out to the 22 countries composing the Arab world, making it possible for women living in spiritual darkness and isolation to hear that they are loved and highly valued by God. They are valued so much that he gave his only Son, Jesus, to die for them! And listeners are responding, “Your program is like a well in the desert for the thirsty women in our Arab region.” Indeed, for more than 200 million women and girls suffering religious restrictions and gender-discriminating laws dealing with criminal justice, economy, education, and health care, Christ is their only hope for peace.

We are invited to step into their predicament with the most powerful thing we can do for them – pray. Anytime and anywhere we can pray. And pray we must – especially at this time of great persecution in the Arab world.

I will never forget the day when, in the middle of a Project Hannah’s conference, one of the ladies was on her cellphone with her sister, who lives in Syria. Her sister was calling from under her bed where she had been hiding with her daughters since earlier that day. Armed men were bursting into homes of Christians to kidnap and harm women and girls. Needless to say, we stopped everything and started praying for that dear young mother. Sometimes we sense that our prayers are just a drop in the ocean of tragedy. But the truth is this: In God’s plan, that drop is more powerful than the mighty waves of hate, violence, and segregation these women experience. Please join us in praying for Arab Christian women, that they would never need to hide under their beds again!

Thank you for believing that your prayers make a difference. They do!

God’s faithfulness can reach down and change the hardest hearts, even the hearts of evil perpetrators.

Men are also responding to our programs: “Although I’m a man, I find myself waiting for this women’s program every Saturdayand learning from and enjoying every episode.” So, my friend, let’s pray for honest and well-intentioned men who wish to protect women but who too often are blinded by customs that feed evil human nature. May God’s truth continue to set these men free!

Praying and believing the impossible with you,



Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah