Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

June 2014

Dear intercessor and friend,

Paul’s words flash on my mind as I think of you – yes, “I thank my God for every remembrance of you.”  There is so much power in corporate prayer.  Together we are joining men, women, and teens interceding for a lost world, advocating in the spiritual realms for the lives of the unborn children and their mothers caught in the “valley of decision” even as you read this letter: women who have been pressured and have even become victims of harmful cultural practices and ignorance; others, well-educated, liberated Western women, who believe the lie that having ownership of their own bodies entitles them to terminate the lives being formed by God in their wombs!  Willingly, then, they choose death.  Over 50 million abortions a year – more than the population of entire countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Canada –50 million every year.  

This month we will be grappling with this issue as we pray for women who are hurting as a consequence of abortion.  My dear sister Tina Sessoms wrote these powerful words in her excellent awareness page with Project Hannah’s prayer calendar:  Many believe that a human fetus is just a clump of cells and tissue.  However, God sees the unborn child differently.  “Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.’’’ (Jeremiah 1:4-5)

God is the giver of LIFE.  He is the one forming babies in the wombs of women!  He created us for LIFE, not death.  Sins of disobedience, rebellion, and pride brought death into the world.  But God the Son came to restore life as it was intended by God the Father.  His name is the Way, Truth and ... LIFE!  He came that we all may have LIFE and life in abundance.

No one has the right to kill another human being – especially a defenseless, weak, unborn baby.  Each baby is a person carrying in its cells the DNA of an image bearer of God Almighty.

As you read the prayer requests this month and offer your mind and heart to lift women to
the hands of our merciful God, I pray that you will be moved to become a voice for life in a
world seemingly enamored with death.

May our prayers bring healing to the hearts of women who are filled with pain, shame, and guilt.

Praying earnestly with you,


Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah