Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

February 2014

Dear friend,

Aren’t you glad someone cared enough to send you to school, thus allowing you access to a world of information and opportunities? I sure am! My missionary parents, poor as they were, sacrificially gave my brothers and me two amazing treasures – faith in God and an education. I feel blessed and I am forever indebted to them. As I was thinking about the focus of our prayers this month, I came across some staggering facts and statistics. I still cringe to think that two-thirds of all the illiterates in the world are women. Why? Because in many parts of this world, girls remain the least valued, least fed, and least educated. They have little or no access to general information and knowledge, so they’re unable to read a book or a newspaper – or even a street name!

It’s been said that one educated girl is like a pebble tossed into water – its ripple effect impacts not only herself but also her family and ultimately the whole community. When women are educated, the nation gains! Educated girls are less likely to become child brides and have early pregnancies. Educated women earn higher wages and usually have smaller, healthier families. Educated mothers make sure to pass this valuable gift of education on to generations to come.

There are millions of Bible illiterate women all over the world. We must pray for them, as well. This concerns me greatly. You see, millions of women cannot read or study God’s word on their own. For years I have dreamed of producing a radio program in which we read the word of God to these women in a way that will enable them to relate to it, understand it, and apply its truths in their daily lives. Doesn’t the Bible say that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17)?  

We are broadcasting God’s word through Project Hannah’s signature program Women of Hope today in 65 languages! And because you have faithfully prayed with us, women entrenched behind barriers of illiteracy can hear the good news of God’s grace. But we need to pray for more innovative opportunities to speed up the spreading of the Good News through all kinds of media platforms available for our use. I love to remember that Jesus said, “Our faith – even if it is the size of a mustard seed – has the power to move mountains!” I believe this to be absolute truth. So, my friend, let’s act upon our beliefs and say to this mountain of illiteracy, “Mountain, get out of our way!” I am sure God will smile and sing for joy over us as we pray earnestly for these dear illiterate women throughout this month.

Yes! Our little faith can move mountains. Let us pray with passion and with expectant faith. Let’s do it remembering that anything we do for “the least of these” dear women and girls, we do for Him.

Believing with you,


Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah