Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

January 2010

My dear friend,

Women have been lied to. Mothers are harmed physically and emotionally by abortions...It’s a baby, made in the image of God. Those who do not value the dignity of mothers or the life of the unborn child have been lying and passing laws that support their deceit for way too long. Over 50 million unborn babies are killed by abortion each year worldwide. Mothers are left to deal with guilt and post abortion distress. Pray with us that mothers will no longer believe the lies and that they will protect their unborn children.” These are words from this month’s Project Hannah prayer calendar, calling us to pray for women affected by abortion everywhere.

Life is sacred. Life is fragile. Life is God-breathed. “God formed the man…and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7). Life is God’s gift. Only God has the right to take it away. However, in India, China, Romania and other places around the world, millions of unborn babies are systematically killed – especially baby girls. At the beginning of time, Satan successfully deceived Eve to disobey God’s command and to choose death. Relentlessly he continues lying to women saying that immediate pleasure and “personal rights” are more important than the sanctity of human life. God’s command is clear: “Thou shall not kill.” My heart trembles when I see the frivolity and self-centeredness of a hedonistic society using abortion as a means of birth control. Society’s moral compass has been thrown out the window, and with it, millions of unborn babies. So, dear friend, would you join Project Hannah intercessors in over 105 countries and start 2010 on your knees, beseeching God’s intervention in this universal crisis to save unborn children?

Let’s pray expectantly that this modern day “Holocaust” will stop once and for all. Pray that government officials will recognize and fight for the preservation of the sanctity of life. Pray for healing of mothers struggling with the aftermath and devastation of abortion. And then, let’s humble ourselves and ask God’s forgiveness as we recognize that abortion is a universal evil and that the blood of millions of innocent babies cries out against us.

Project Hannah would have no reason to exist if God weren’t a God of grace and mercy. Since His love is greater and His grace sufficient, we can boldly bow before Him and use our God given gift – the ability to choose life – and we can open our mouths for those who do not have a voice to speak for themselves (Proverbs 31:8).

Carrying their pain in my heart and praying with you,


Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah