Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

November 2012

My dear praying friend,

You will love to read and pray through Project Hannah’s prayer guide this month of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord.  When I obey His command to “lift up my eyes and see the harvest fields,” I am overwhelmed.  So many doors of opportunities wide open for ministry.  Broken hearts and relationships healed.  Lives transformed. Hope winning everywhere!  Three major languages – Arabic, Turkish and Farsi – are on the air after 15 years of prayer.  Restored women and girls once trapped in darkness and despair now have their eternal destinies changed!  Indeed, it takes my breath away seeing the seeds “sown in tears” germinating in an abundant harvest of souls.

The workers are few and the needs too great for our existing financial resources … but then, is anything too difficult for God?  No.  Nothing!  And that’s why we keep our knees on the ground praising God even in advance for allowing us to continue speaking truth and hope in 61 (and even more) languages to women everywhere.

Praise God for Project Hannah worldwide teams!  Behind each new Women of Hope broadcast language is a special story.  The complexities involved in getting this blessed program on the air are too many to count, but the Lord has given wisdom and grace to do the work “His way.”  I am humbled to serve side by side with these precious, godly women who carry this ministry with such sheer sacrificial love!  They bless and inspire me to keep running the race before us.  And when all is said and done, all the honor and credit belongs to Him alone!  

Thank you for praying for me, holding up my arms while I am in the “thick of the battle.”  God answered by filling my cup to overflow with courage, stamina and protection!  His joy is my strength for all the demands of this vast ministry.  Be assured that you have a special place in my heart and in Project Hannah’s invisible army of compassionate radio producers, volunteer mercy-ministries workers, financial supporters, and intercessors (in 121 countries).  May God reward your faithfulness and compassion for the women we serve.

So will you join me in this magnificent symphony of praise and thanksgiving to our God?

Rejoicing in his faithfulness,



Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah