Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

May 2012


Dear Friend,

Thank you for joining Project Hannah’s (PH) intercessors in 123 countries seeking biblical justice through prayers for Indian and Nepalese women this month.

My friends from the Messengers, a partner organization from Finland that supports PH’s growing ministry in India, recently visited our teams in India.  Anu Immanuel of TWR India, explained that, “India is home to 591.4 million women out of its 1.22 billion population and PH is a gift from God to this country!  Its radio program is meeting women at their felt needs.  We want to broadcast Women of Hope in as many languages as possible, so that we’ll reach more women, even those in the remotest village.” 

Anne Isokuortti, PH Finland, and her friends were deeply touched by what they experienced in India: “Listening to the ladies pour out their hearts about the terrible suffering and depreciating conditions of Indian women made me realize that no mountain of humanitarian aid will ever solve their problems. Jesus is the only strong and lasting solution to the sad equation of malnutrition, violence, neglect and lack of education, resources, power, freedom, etc.  He gives freedom, joy, confidence, dignity and eternal life! This is happening all over India through PH’s ministry.”

Arja Asikainen wrote: “I cannot forget their shinny faces sharing how Jesus changed their lives. Facing family resistance they kept on praying until they saw God’s answers: husbands stopped drinking, children were healed, and mothers-in-law started treating them well. Now they serve Jesus together with their families. I was deeply touched.”

Pam Wise, a Canadian volunteer visited Nepal. She writes: “PH breathes hope into the lives of physically exhausted Nepalese mothers struggling after their husbands left them alone and destitute. Hope is given to women who have turned to prostitution to escape family violence and those in deplorable jail cells.  Most communities in Nepal are patriarchal and women and young girls who lack education are trapped in arranged marriages, forced labor, multiple childbirths, polygamy and domestic violence. But, I spoke with many women whose lives have been changed forever through radio broadcasts, prayer calendars, literacy outreach, skills programs, prison ministries and the warm friendship and support they receive from caring PH women.  This is a vital and powerful ministry transforming entire communities by providing women with the tools to change their lives.”

This is all because of God’s amazing grace!  We pray, and he works; blessing and restoring women even in the most devastating situations in India and Nepal.  So, my friend, let’s pray with renewed hope believing and thanking God that he will do immeasurably more than what we think or ask!

Believing with you,



Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah