Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

December 2011

My dear friend,

I write to you from Curitiba, my beautiful hometown in South Brazil.  This is the place where I made many life-changing decisions, including answering Jesus’ call to surrender my life and to serve Him till the day I die.  By His grace, I have kept my promise for 50 years!  Taking me at my word, God sent me out of this country, away from my people, and gave me a task greater than anything I could ever imagine.  He called me to minister to hurting women with a team of intercessors from over 110 countries.

It gives me great joy to know that when you and I pray using Project Hannah’s prayer calendar, we join a mighty intercessors’ choir of 55 languages echoing in God’s throne room.  I don’t know about you, but this very thought energizes me.  What a fantastic investment of time and effort!  This exercise has taught me that obedience and persistence in prayer are God’s delight.  I have seen His transforming love and power healing and restoring countless women’s lives – no matter how broken they have been.  Jesus’ hope and grace make them whole again.  Amazing grace!

An intercessor confessed to me how hard it is to keep praying through the Project Hannah prayer calendar.  It seems that it’s a hopeless situation.  Indeed, Satan’s shackles bound women through godless cultures and abusive, merciless men.  But whenever a woman comes to Jesus, she’s instantly made “more than a conqueror” through Christ who strengthens and empowers her to withstand life’s storms.

While thinking of South American women, for whom we pray this month, Paul’s words come to mind:  “…a wide door for effective service has opened to me, but there are many adversaries.”  In spite of all the progress and amazing social developments, the misogynistic mindset of this macho culture leaves many women bruised and exploited.  Satan disguises himself in a variety of spiritualistic movements deceiving spiritually vulnerable women. Praying for them is a high calling to engage in spiritual warfare – against rulers, powers and spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 

Let’s not forget that we are never alone in this battle.  The Bible assures us that the Holy Spirit interprets our prayers and that Jesus Himself intercedes for us at His Father’s throne room.

Are you ready? I am!

Believing with you,


Marli Spieker
Global Ministry Director/Founder
Project Hannah