Project Hannah


AFGHANISTAN Taking the world's ONLY HOPE to the world's worst place to be born a woman (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

  • The great majority of Afghanistan’s population lacks access to safe water or sanitation. Diarrheal diseases and tuberculosis are chronic threats to public health (a).
  • Three and a half decades of war have devastated Afghanistan and its medical infrastructure, and the nation’s health challenges are most serious for its women and children (b).
  • A UNICEF and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) study found that when an Afghan mother of a newborn infant dies, the child has only one chance in four of surviving until its first birthday (b).
  • A UNICEF study found Afghan women suffered from one of the highest levels of maternal mortality in the world. Despite great efforts, the numbers overall show little change (b). see also UNMA 2010 report, Executive Summary, Page ii, paragraphs 6&7
  • In homes where wives had died during childbirth, literacy rates for both the husband and the wife were particularly low (b).
  • Less than 30 percent of the adult population of Afghanistan is literate (43 percent of men and just over 12 percent of women) (c).

How will the Afghan people, particularly the women, hear the truth of the gospel, finding strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow? TWR’s new powerful PANI transmitter will soon be on the air! After years of faithful praying and fundraising, AM broadcasts to Pakistan, Afghanistan and North India (PANI) are ready to begin. Because of generous giving from across the U.S. in 2013, one of the first programs on the air in 2014 will be Women of Hope in the Dari language. And because of a generous provision in the final days of 2013, Women of Hope Pashto will soon follow!

AM receivers are cheap and very common in the region. One survey indicated that 40 percent of the Afghan people listen at least once a week to programs on AM radio. Pray with us for the teams producing Dari and Pashto Women of Hope programs and for a work of grace in the heart of each woman who will hear the programs.

Delivering Hope to Women in Afghanistan is the Project Hannah prayer focus in March. If you are not already praying through our monthly prayer calendars, please join us!

(a) UNICEF Afghanistan: The Big Picture (Background)

(b) UNICEF and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) joint press release

(c) The World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency

Read the entire Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter and download earlier newsletters as well.


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