Project Hannah


Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter Fall 2011

Cultures and circumstances can isolate, but Project Hannah’s prayer movement and Women of Hope audio programs create caring communities for brokenhearted women. Whether connecting face-to-face or corresponding with the sweet voices on the radio, hurting women find comfort in communion with God and fellowship with the body of Christ. Thank you for connecting with these women you may never meet as you carry their burdens to God in prayer.

     Encourage others with all that God is doing. Email the Hannah’s Heartbeat PDF to friends or share individual articles on your Facebook page or personal blog (or, share the entire newsletter and related links by sharing this summary page!).

Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter Fall 2011 Cover Article: Answered Prayers, Changed Lives. She endured unthinkable suffering at the hands of a cruel husband, but she testifies, "God answers prayer and prayer changes things and people!" Read her story and thank you for praying!

Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter Fall 2011, page 2: Life-Giving Supply. Desperate because doctors said unaffordable surgery was the only way, a Quichua couple heard Women of Hope and put their hope in God.

Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter Fall 2011, page 2:  Joy and Strength. This Cambodian mother’s family found Jesus by listening to Women of Hope [Khmer] on their radio. Now, she opens her small hut for a time of worship each week.

Hannah’s Heartbeat Newsletter Fall 2011, page 3:  The Power that Opens Heaven. Having believed in Jesus because of TWR’s Ukrainian broadcasts, this constant Women of Hope [Ukrainian] listener now joins the global Project Hannah family in prayer for suffering women worldwide.

Founder Marli Spieker’s Fall 2011 Hannah’s Heartbeat Column:  Set Free From Doom. In the hot Kenyan sun, she walked nine hours with a baby on her back. She said she was doomed, but read what happened because people like you made radio programs available to her and joined in prayer with teams ministering around the world.

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to friends so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current issue; archives of past issues are also available).

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