Project Hannah


Being God's Healing Hand for Hurting Women (Marli from Africa)

Dear ones,

I wrote this email two days ago, but have been unable to access the Internet [until now].

We just arrived in Dar-es-Salaam again. From here we go to Kilimanjaro and from there to Arusha, then Zanzibar, and then back here before flying to Johannesburg [leaving on the 14th for the US].

God protected us in a special way tonight during our long seven hour drive back to this city of five million people. We got [a miles long] traffic jam ( Brazil type!!) with four lanes of cars, busses, trucks and all kinds of other transportation modes that I even do not know the names of. All that chaos in a narrow highway of two lanes. Our good driver was very courageous but a bit crazy!!  We saw five large accidents with trucks totally turned over at the side of the narrow road. We had a "short" meeting of three hours on our way here in the city of Morogongo at an Anglican church with women from different denominations and pastors of six denominations.

At the end I took a picture of the stains of the tears that fell on the dusty cement of the church . . . again the Holy Spirit touched their lives and healing and hope took place in an otherwise broken and hopeless situation.

Thanks for praying for us!

Here is what I wrote the other day [Wednesday, August 3, 2011]:

One more day is over here in Dodoma.

Not too hot, thank God!

Tonight I am emotionally exhausted . . . oh the stories . . . and the suffering of these women! Unimaginable for [us] Westerners . . .  But it was also a day of many victories.

We had a radio interview at the local radio stations which carry our Women of Hope programs in Kiswahili. Then at the Lutheran church we met with pastors and Project Hannah prayer group leaders in this region. We prayed together, we learned together, we cried together, we loved one another and comforted each other. After my talk, when I asked if someone needed special prayer to get rid of the burden she was carrying, if there were any who did not want to return home with their burden, the whole group stood at the front of the church. That place became a delivery room with women weeping bitterly . . . .

One of the pastors captured a moment in a picture when I had the honor to be "the hand of Jesus" wiping away their tears:  one day God himself will do this (Revelation 7:17) but meanwhile, we all can be his hand, if not doing with our hands, as I did today, then with our prayers, our gifts, our investment in their lives. Project Hannah is a good channel for that. How thankful I am for this ministry. It has been rescuing women that would never have had this opportunity if not for our dear "Hannah!" What a privilege!!

Tomorrow we are off to the village where and Emmanuel and Ruth Mbennah come from (TWR Africa International Director and Project Hannah African Coordinator).  It is going to be tough they tell me. 100 kilometers into the rural areas.

Will write more when I am able.

In His love,


Travel through Africa with Marli!

A Call to Prayer (Marli's 1st Africa Letter, 2 1/2 weeks into her trip)

Being God's Healing Hand for Hurting Women (this page - Marli's 2nd Africa Letter, from Dodoma)

Open Hearts, Tremendous Joy (Marli’s 3rd Africa Letter, from Arusha, Tanzania)

Courage Amidst Life's Violent Storms (Marli's 4th Africa Letter)

Hope for the Heart of Africa (Marli's final Africa Letter)

Marli's Africa Photos (2011 Africa Consultation, Travels; NOTE: photos and other contents of Project Hannah's Facebook Page can be viewed without a Facebook account).

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