Project Hannah


Valuable Lessons (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

I am a mother and a wife who has little knowledge, little experience and little opportunity to learn anything about being a woman and about God. I thank God that your program enables me to learn more about him and how to be a good mother. I have so many problems in my life and I do not know what to do and how to overcome my problems, but your programs help me to rely on and trust in God.–A listener from Indonesia

     Ignorance. Lacking basic knowledge about diseases, healthy foods and hygiene prevents millions of mothers around the world from keeping their children alive, let alone raising them well. And ignorance of their Creator and his care keeps women in spiritual darkness. That is why for 13 years Women of Hope programs have offered practical advice and insight, sharing life-giving knowledge with hurting women worldwide and letting them know they are understood and loved – especially by God. Raise your own IQ about how best to pray for these women by listening online at or via the iPhone app which can be downloaded free at (transcripts can be read on screen or printed as well). Each letter and story recounted in this issue [Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter, June 2011] testifies how God, through audio messages undergirded by prayer, is replacing ignorance with knowledge and dispelling lies with the truth. Thank you for partnering with Project Hannah as we speak his hope in over 55 languages to precious, suffering women.

“We do not miss a single episode as the program is interesting and we get to learn a lot from it. In my village there is no [other] way a woman like me can learn about various issues relating to women.A Hindi listener

“…I am so thankful to God that there is such a program for women. Each time, when I listen to it [Women of Hope], I get something out of it for myself, something that encourages, comforts and gives valuable lessons for my soul. Although this program is more for women with families, we, the future mothers, can also learn a lot from it, and be prepared for our futures. We would like to become wise wives for our husbands. We value your programs and try to always listen to them.” A Ukrainian listener

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to friends so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current June 2011 issue; archives of past issues are also available).

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