Project Hannah


More Valuable than Rubies (Founder Marli Spieker's Column, Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

“Is there any hope for a woman like me who is poor, uneducated, does not have skills to find a job, very weak, and not beautiful? I am almost in despair,” an Indonesian listener asked. Can you hear her pain? No one ever told her that she is highly esteemed, loved by her Creator. Because she doesn’t know her purpose or value, people misuse and abuse her, and she is not alone.

Nearly a quarter of the world’s female population lives under the oppressive teaching that women are deficient in intelligence and spirituality. More than half of Indian women believe they deserve the abuse they receive simply for being females. Five hundred Chinese women kill themselves every day to escape a life of indignities. Something has gone terribly wrong! This picture has remained untouched for ages: historically, women have been on the receiving end of all sorts of abuse and degradation, considered to be property, unclean, inferior and even worth less than a cow! Because cultures are shaped by fallen people who have no understanding of women’s value and purpose, they remain devalued and disposable.

Project Hannah communicates God’s original plan for woman and her God-given destiny of worth and purpose through its radio programs Women of Hope in 58 languages. Undergirded by a powerful prayer movement in over 100 countries, we proclaim the truth of God’s master plan for mankind, silencing Satan’s lies about women. God never intended women to be abused or left alone to raise their children. He never intended men to rule, subjugate and abuse women, stripping off their dignity. Both were created to be his image bearers, intended for joint responsibilities and shared accountability. Both were to have dominion, subjugate the earth, reproduce and complete God’s creation. Neither one could do this alone. Eve was created with a different purpose, though:  to be a “suitable helper;” not to complete Adam, but to help him fulfill God’s master plan. We must pay attention to this detail. With different roles they were to share equally in obedience, blessing, ruling, subduing, reproducing and fellowshipping with God. Their rebellion against God prevented their following his design, and the catastrophic results have been unending brokenness and suffering. Women –the crown of creation –became what Isaiah calls precious “treasures of darkness – riches stored in secret places” (Isaiah 45:3).

Project Hannah teams work tirelessly as they seek these “precious treasures,” taking women out of darkness into God’s light. In his light they sparkle like rubies and precious gold. Seeing themselves as highly esteemed, treasured daughters and God’s precious jewels changes their self-awareness forever! It is fascinating to see the transformation. They become “Proverbs 31 women” – healed, restored and saved! As Christians, we must seek and restore these treasures of darkness, still hidden behind Satan’s lies about their worth, divine purpose and God’s great love for them. Will you join Project Hannah in its “treasure hunt” today, seeking hidden treasures just waiting to be found?

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to friends so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current June 2011 issue; archives of past issues are also available).

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