Project Hannah


Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter February 2011 (God Changes Lives)

While the details of the stories differ, the underlying truth remains:  in Christ, lives are eternally changed. The February 2011 Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter highlights how God is using Project Hannah to speak this hope to hurting women worlwide. Access the online version of each Hannah’s Heartbeat article and web-exclusive feature in this summary article. Share one with friends, or share the complete summary by sharing this page!

     Join us on Facebook to be notified in your news feed each time we add new articles. During February and March, Web-exclusive stories and interviews will be added to share more of what God is doing in Sweden, how he is changing the lives of forgotten women around the world and how he is involving his church through prayer.   

Hannah’s Heartbeat February 2011 Cover Article:  Eternally Changed. Through the Women of Hope program in their own language, a Roma family discovers salvation, healing and hope in Jesus alone.

Hannah’s Heartbeat February 2011, page 2: Changed From the Inside Out. In Sweden, a refugee finds refuge in Jesus and inspires a new Project Hannah outreach.

Hannah’s Heartbeat February 2011, page 2: The Most Important Work. An excerpt from Chapter 1 of When Hope Wins by Founder Marli Spieker and a 2010 testimony from a prayer group member in Mozambique both speak to the vital role God has given prayer in his kingdom building work.

Hannah’s Heartbeat February 2011, page 3:  In the Potter's Hands. This excerpt from Chapter 1 of When Hope Wins gives a glimpse of the work God did in Founder Marli Spieker's life as he prepared her to be entrusted with launching Project Hannah.

Founder Marli Spieker’s 2011 February Heartbeat Column:  More than Words. Marli shares how when women's lives are changed, they change their environmental conditions and the cycle of hopelessness is broken.

     Three times a year, we create the Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter to share stories of lives Jesus has radically transformed through the ministry of Project Hannah. Archives of past issues are available on the newsletter page. Read the full Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to friends so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God's life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF for the current February 2011 issue).

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