Project Hannah


Forum of Hope in Brazil

Amid a vibrant spirit of enthusiasm and hope, more than 45 women from five countries gathered in Curitiba, Brazil, for the start of the Project Hannah Inter-Americas Forum on Monday, August 30, 2010.

     The convocation ceremony was held on Monday night, and each country group was introduced. The countries represented include: Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and the United States. The theme of the forum is Colossians 1:27: “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

     After a brief inspirational message by Pastor José Carlos of São Paulo, Brazil, a beautiful time of worship was highlighted by music sung simultaneously in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

     Marli Spieker, the global ministry director and founder of Project Hannah, then shared that she had dreamed of this forum for years, but she never imagined it would be held in her hometown of Curitiba. “Though there is a language barrier, the Lord understands every word that is spoken,” Spieker said. “Let’s see what God has in mind for us this week.” Spieker then introduced her husband, Edmund, as the “midwife” of Project Hannah, and thanked him for faithfully standing by the ministry.

     Edmund Spieker spoke with great conviction about how very difficult circumstances refine our spiritual walks, and though now some may sow in tears, they will ultimately reap in joy.

     After a time of prayer, the convocation ceremony ended.

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