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Hungering For The Truth (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

Dear friends,

You don’t know how eagerly I anticipate your program [Spanish Women of Hope]. You are a great help to me. I have two children, 5 and 8 years old. And, when my husband must be away for work, I must live with my mother-in-law and her family. Every day I thank God a thousand times for you because every program edifies me, gives me strength and challenges me to give my best. I want to grow every day so that I can be useful in the Kingdom of God. Thank you to Sonia [executive producer], who always writes in response to me and offers me words of counsel. Continue moving forward and giving such words of counsel, because there are many of us that need them.

M from Cuba

There are only six government-run TV stations in Cuba, and satellite TV receivers are not allowed. Internet access is extremely limited. No Christian radio stations are permitted on the island. But Cubans do have Christian radio – TWR programs such as Mujeres de Esperanza [Women of Hope] are broadcast to them every evening from our uniquely powerful transmitter on the island of Bonaire! It’s impossible to overstate the importance of these programs for people who are isolated emotionally and spiritually from the rest of the world.
     Atheism’s grip on Cuba is loosening, and the people’s hunger for God’s truth is astounding. People in Cuba will do amazing things to ensure that they don’t miss a TWR program such as Spanish Women of Hope. One 94-year-old woman who has been listening to TWR since the day Bonaire went on the air in 1964, says she listens standing up every night. Her reason: She plans for the fall to the floor to wake her up if she nods off! Thank you for partnering with Project Hannah to connect the isolated women of Cuba with spiritual encouragement and truth via Women of Hope broadcasts from Bonaire.

Speaking Hope to Cuba (2 1/2 minute video on TWR's ministry to Cuba)

Producing Lasting Fruit in the Hearts of the Cuban People (expanded, 6 1/2 minute video from ministry trip to Cuba, 2011)

Faith and Hope for Cuba (TWR's JudyBlog on a program for Cuba produced IN CUBA)

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to friends so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current issue; archives of past issues are also available).

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